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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Found a use for my old Desktop Computer! - *Hint*.. Mac

Let me start off with a little about this Desktop (That I am typing this on right now).
Me and my Bud Alex built this computer about 5 years ago when I wasn't as tech savvy as I am now.
He and a Computer Tech he knew picked out the components for my computer in a reasonable budget from Newegg. We put the computer together in my basement after all (what we thought was all) the parts arrived. We had it all put together (my first time building, his second I believe) in about 3 hours total. We took it up into my bedroom and turned it on... There was a very loud BEEEEEP!. Apparently we didnt order RAM -_-.. So we had to order that and then it worked! I used that has my computer for about 4 years and some months, then about 6 months ago I bought Alex's Laptop that he was selling for extra money, its an ASUS G50vt-x1 Gaming Laptop. So I haven't used my desktop for about 6 months. Yesterday I decided I needed to put it to use and have some fun with it. I decided that I was going to put Mac OS X on it and use that as the main OS, I had put Mac on it before but it was along side Windows 7 Beta and Vista Ultimate, even though the Mac install broke somehow (my fault.. I mess with my OS's).

So now I have a full Mac only Box. I have installed Mac OS X 10.5.8 with iDeneb 1.6 Lite Edition as my distro/install DVD.

It took me a while to get my PS/2 keyboard recognized but it was because I was editing the wrong .kext because I didnt know it had changed (which was my fault I checked a different version then the one I was used to from previous installs).
My sound also took a bit to get working. I had installed VooDooHDA which I didnt need so I had to remove that and get the AppleAC97Audio.kext which didnt fix the problem, I still had no audio.. I had to remember what I installed from iDeneb 1.4 10.5.5. I found the ALC850 package and installed that, now I have fully working audio!
Everything else worked right off the bat because I knew what needed to be installed with the OS.

I have:
Fully working  Graphics with QuartzGL and Quartz Extreme supported: nVidia GeForce 6600
Recognized RAM: 1.5GB
Fully working processor (obviously other this wouldnt be working): AMD Athlon 3000+
Motherboard: nForce 4 SLI GA-K8N
Working audio: ALC850 AC97 Codec
Hard Drive SATA RAID 250GB

I am very excited to do some fun stuff on Mac now! I am downloading Snow Leopard as I type this and I am debating installing that somehow.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Multifl0w: iPhone Multitasking Is Here And Works Great - Via FSMdotCOM

[Via FSMdotCOM]

After being released in RockApp, Multifl0w has finally landed in Cydia. Multif0w is a multitasking interface which displays apps that are running and you can scroll left and right for quick switching.
The idea is very nice because the developer has tried to reproduce the effect that occurs when we move between tabs in Safari, and it acts in a similar way with Palm Pre’s multitasking

After you install the Multifl0w, using Backgrounder you will close all the apps that you want ( by pressing the home button ), then just tap the home button twice and you will get the multitasking interface provided by Multifl0w.
Multifl0w has a very small and concrete code and uses very little RAM and CPU power, and it works great even on a older iPhone model. The only thing is that after installation it was crashing my Springboard everytime i was trying to background apps. I restarted my iPhone, and now everything is running so smooth…
You can find Multifl0w in the Cydia store for $4.99

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tech N9ne Miser Loves Kompany NZB

I could NOT find this NZB ANYWHERE! Finally I decided it was time to create it after gathering the files elsewhere. If anyone wants it here is my post at Merlin's Portal:

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Posting (Check this post out!)

I know I havent been posting much lately.. I have had a crazy November it seems like! Wow! Well I am trying to get back to it :). At least get something for you guys who actually read this Blog (If there are any :(... Hmmm). Anyway I am gonna get some stuff done on this site! Gonna add some affiliate banners (FOR ASTRAWEB!) so click and sign up! I get money for everyone who signs up for an unlimited account, so if your looking for a FANTASTIC Usenet provider (I am NOT saying that because I am trying to sell anyone on there product alone, I am saying that because I have friends who have had great experiences using Astraweb and I have heard many many good things about them, I myself use Supernews but that is because They are a bit cheaper.. Service is lacking though so I am STRONGLY considering switching to Astraweb!). Anyways give them a shot! Try a block account before getting an Unlimited (although if you use links on this site I only get money for sign ups for Unlimited accounts). Even so give it a try. Especially if you dont want to torrent or want better speeds or more security for whatever you may be downloading. (reasons why I now use Usenet).

Here is my Affiliate Link for anyone interested! Please click here to sign up to help me out:

Anyways enough with my advertisement ramblings!

Hope you guys are having a great November!

Friday, November 13, 2009

BitTorrent Safety For Dummies - FileSharing Talk

Original Post - [Via FileSharing Talk]

BT Safety for dummies

Before people read this tutorial I want to get a few things strait. First and for most this tutorial is far from original. It is in fact taken from many different articles and other known information from around the net and is far from perfect. I my self can take no credit but do like everyone else have an opinion.

The most important point and I stress this with big bold letters.


If you want to be 100% protected than stop using it.

You may even use many of these programs or techniques and still be sent a ugly little letter from your ISP or even be sued(though incredibly unlikely)

when you consider more people use P2P than all the Americans who voted in our last election it becomes even more unlikely. Whats the total? Well according to RIAA watch 17,587 individuals have been sued, and that’s not including letters from your ISP or MPAA lawsuits. But with as many as 20 million P2P users including bittorrent and other file sharing networks....well you can do the math, my head hurts and I failed math.

Even with all that said it is still very important to keep your self as safe as you can.

Of course if you live in Sweden or sea island you probably only use a firewall but for those that live with a kind of government such as in England or the U.S this maybe worth a read.

*****Please remember! This maybe very basic to some and not to others******


It may seem silly to mention but many people don’t realize how important it is to have a good firewall when using Bittorent or any P2P program for that matter. After all a firewalls main purpose is to filter all the bad traffic that try to connect to your PC.

With a good firewall you can tweak it to your internet habits and likings including blocking IP ranges, specific web sites, blocking code or adds.

There are so many good firewalls and a lot off bad ones too but I would recommend and use

Here is a screen shot of Zonealarm manually blocking IP’s
Go to >Firewall>Zones>Add>Host/site


While blocking IP ranges can take time there are programs that do this automatically by getting Ranges from an online database. The most popular is PeerGuardian once downloaded it blocks IP(s) associated to what it designates as a bad IP or ranges. This could include Sony, Warner music or the RIAA. I find some of the IP(s) that connect to my computer are harmless including many of the universities and others. But it is handy as you can choose what lists you want depending on how unsafe you feel. It also has a HTTP option which blocks some sites that are known for viruses or spyware.

I personally use ProtoWall it also blocks IP’s and uses a program called BLOCKLIST MANAGER to load IP(s). Protowall is a bit more advanced as far as installing but the tutorial on their page will help you get started.

Another way is actually using block lists in your torrent client. Azereus already has an add-on called Safepeer
which once installed, can automatically update and in my opinion is very hassle free.

If you use uTorrent it can be a little more of a hassle but I will go threw it step by step to help everyone understand it a little better.

First things first you need to understand that uTorrent should already have a file called ipfilter.dat if not in the uTorrent folder you need to copy and rename the rss file or any other file to ipfilter!

To locate it you need to go to Start>control panel>tools>folder options>view and Select "Show all hidden files and folders"

Next you need to download Blocklist Manager

Install and start, then go to Tools>options>app locations then select IPfilter (emule/donk)
Then browse, go to documents and settings>username>application data>uTorrent>ipfilter

once assigned make sure you tell block list manager what lists to download in the sources tab under tools.
Once done hit process. After all the ip’s have been downloaded go to Export>p2p apps>to emule.

The last step is to go to uTorrent options>Preferences>advanced then scroll down to ipfilter.dat and set value to true!

Please note: you may want to unselect show hidden files and folders when done.

You’re done

If you want before we move on take a look at this these articles
Or this

DHT: (Distributed hash tables)

DHT When used in public bittorrent sites, having DHT enabled in your torrent client can be a good thing. What does this mean? Well by having DHT enabled you are able to connect to more nodes (peers) or putting it in layman’s terms people.

For example, say you download something from ThePirateBay! If the torrent is popular odds are that the same torrent is not only at the pirate bay but at Mininova, ISOhunt or any other public tracker. By having DHT enabled you are able to connect to more peers from almost any public tracker with that file. That means faster downloading!

An example where safety might play a role is when you download from a Private tracker, where only members are able to download and upload content to each other…

If you have DHT enabled say on Torrentleech which is a private tracker and ThePirateBay has that same file. You may be sharing a torrent to hundreds of others that are not part of the private community by letting other IP’s connect to the Swarm. You can see how this might be upsetting for people working hard and sharing for a ratio. If people are able to connect to your swarm then they are able to see your IP and anyone else downloading. Odds are you don’t want some Joe shmo that’s sole purpose is to track you, to see that kind of information.

It’s also a good Idea when disabling DHT to disable peer exchange, which is in the same box as the DHT option:

VPN tunnels and other anonymous downloading:

There are known ways most of which cost money that make you completely anonymous. Though I no very little about this I will give you some helpful links.

The VPNTunnel service works by disguising your Internet traffic take a look:

BTGuard is a proxy service that reroutes your BitTorrent downloads thru there servers:

You can also use TOR by running Bittorent threw its proxy servers. I highly discourage this! not only will it slow you down to a crawl but it will also slow down the whole network. If you still want to use it you can do your own googling.

There are other ways but many of them, some frankly are not worth it and are very time consuming including i2p.


There are many sites which it sole purpose is to track you. The most popular was Miivi which came about from a well known and long gone anti P2P Company MediaDefender.

Here are some others:

Just ask in the FST forums before you sign up to see if it is legit!
And remember “never pay money for file sharing”

I hope you enjoyed reading my tutorial and if you have any comments or anything to add please let me know.

I’m sure there are more things I could add but I’m off to bed.


Edit: I almost forgot to give credit where credit is due! even though most of this is not taken verbatim from any place I got much of this information or knowledge from this forum, private site forums including torrentleech and ScT. also I did get some of the statistics from slyck and torrent freak which are both really good news sites.
I'm sure I'm missing a site or two but anyhow...enjoy

Comment with a Name

So everyone appears to be leaving comments on here Anonymously, which is kind of frustrating. I would love it if everyone used the form where you can just fill in a name! It would be much more convenient!


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Usenet vs Torrent

Just about everyone on the internet has probably heard of both Usenet and Torrents before even if they do not know what they are, they are so popular lately that everyone has come across the name somewhere.
Most people know and use Torrents for getting legal and often illegal content off the internet, because torrents are free the majority uses them.
Many of us have heard of Usenet but never looked into it because it costs money, even though Usenet has been around much longer then Torrents. Usenet was originally for communication purposes and many ISPs ran there own Usenet servers for customers, but then someone thought outside of the box and used it to transfer files, then the ISPs started to disable there Usenet servers. Now Usenet is a paid service (there are free Usenet servers but good luck finding a good one). But even though it is paid, it is well worth it it in some cases.. Let me give you an example.
I have used Torrents since I built my first computer in 2005 (AMD 64 3000+ 1.8GHZ, 512mb RAM-Upgraded now, and nVidia GeForce 6600) and I have not thought of an alternative besides Limewire, Frostwire and others that are much better for getting small files like music and not so much for bigger files.
Today I got a letter from Cox telling me I had Copyright material on my computer and that I should delete it... Crap.. So I searched for a way to download anonymously, I found many services such as ItsHidden, PeerBlock(Already had that one), TorrentPrivacy(Why pay to be anonymous when your already pirating? Thats stupid...), and many others... Finally I asked my friend what he did and he said he barely uses Torrents anymore and just uses Usenet and that he gets much, much better speeds, I was like "Hell yeah! Lets check it out!" so I did and I asked him what service he uses, he said Astraweb and NzbMovieSeeker and newzleech for the Usenet indexer and GrabIt for the client. I checked out Astraweb and was debating whether I wanted to spend the money right now or now, I was also searching other options and came across Binverse which has a 14 day free trial! I thought "Yes! Perfect!" so I signed up and started downloading the game I had been waiting to play (Borderlands) and it said 4 Hours remaining and I was jumping anywhere from 3000kbps to 10000kbps! (HOLY SHIT!)... The time just kept going down... I was so shocked... I got the game plus a movie in 3-4 hours (and this is a 6.7gb game mind you...) I was ECSTATIC!!

So the point of this story is that if you are having trouble with Torrents, you should absolutely look into paying for Usenet. Yeah I know you are thinking "Why the hell would I wanna pay to pirate?"(If that is what you use it for... I am NOT condoling piracy), but I have to say the speed increase and anonymity is just so nice that its just WELL WORTH IT! I swear from just the day I have used it.

Thats my story for the day!

I am not saying that I pirate or that you should go out and pirate games, movies, or what have you. It is up to you what you do, if you like the game/movie then buy it.
Just have to say that, dont want to get in trouble

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Blacksn0w released - Updated Blackra1n!

blacksn0w is live

blacksn0w is a free unlock for the latest iPhone 3G and 3GS
blackra1n is a super simple jailbreak used to install unlock
new visitors, go to download and have fun

blackra1n RC3 is also live for both Windows and Mac!!! Clean firmware 3.1.2 and baseband 05.11.07 are recommended.

Keep legit activation if activated before running app
15 seconds faster, you'll feel it
Tiger + PPC support

Go to to download
For support, at gmail...but read this first

blacksn0w is also available on Cydia, add as repo
requires firmware >= 3.1 and baseband 05.11.07

It appears some users are having wifi issues. Try a "Reset Network Settings" Also, this just enables custom MobileConfig files. To fully enable tethering, go here on your iPhone and download a MobileConfig file for your carrier. Watch out for carrier fees for tethering.

iClarified has made some nice tutorials:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I just finished watching G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra

Liked the movie very much, acting wasn't the greatest but I definitely enjoyed the movie. Seen it twice so far.

Since I just watched the movie... I had fun with Photoshop :P

New Avatar I think.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

iWatch! Stream movies on non Jailbroken devices! (Cydia app ASWELL!)

There is a new video streaming site/app available for Jailbroken and NON JAILBROKEN iDevices out!.

I have tried many Movie/TV Show streaming apps for the iPhone and this one was the first one that I had seen where they were asking for users (like me and you) to help out and be a part of what they are doing.
They offer you there FTP information and you can freely upload any Movie or TV Show that you fancy as long as it is in MP4 format.
I have so far uploaded 3 movies and am uploading my fourth right now! (The Hangover, Pineapple Express, G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra, and Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince. Look for Dette by the Movie Titles ;D).
I have sent a few emails back and forth with them and they seem very friendly and very appreciative to have people upload videos for them.

So far they do not have a lot of videos up yet but more are being uploaded every day by the creators and by users!

If you are Jailbroken then you can download there app in Cydia (called iWatch)
If you are not Jailbroken you can visit to stream video right to your iPhone/iPod Touch!

The website is:
I highly recommend checking them out!.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Added TweetBoard!

I just added the Alpha of Tweetboard to this blog! Looks nice and it should be a pretty cool addition I think.

I know I have not updated lately but I have been terribly busy and I am trying to get back here and update more often!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

iPhone Dev-Team: PwnageTool 3.1.4 - Jailbreak for 3.1.2! Including 3GS (No iPt3 Sorry)

Pwnage Pie
Here are some details on our latest version of PwnageTool 3.1.4 for Mac OS X this supports the 3.1.2 release of the iPhone software for iPhone 3G/3G(S) and iPod Touch 1G/2G.
Note for 3GS users not already jailbroken and stuck at 3.1.x: this version of PwnageTool has a side feature to jailbreak your 3GS.  It uses a simple implementation of the usb control msg hole found by chronicdev, geohot, and our very own gray.  Now that the hole is public and in use, we expect Apple to close it by the next major firmware update. That’s why 3GS users need to get their ECID hashes for 3.1.x now, and need to stay onboard the “jailbreak train” in all future updates.  For more details on what this means, please see our earlier posts or ask in our comments section (moderated by the always helpful @angie and @confucious!).
For the early adopters who ran blackra1n and are having problems with mobilesubstrate, winterboard, diskaid, or ifunbox, you can install a custom .ipsw from PwnageTool, that will fix these issues.  That’s because all jailbroken devices accept a custom .ipsw created by PwnageTool.

  • The iPhone 3GS is now supported out of the box in PwnageTool 3.1.4 (or if you have upgraded to 3.1.x in iTunes)
  • The iPod 2G is still supported in PwnageTool 3.1.4 but you must already be jailbroken (we’ll update this if there’s a big demand from non-jailbroken ipt2G owners)
  • The iPod touch 3G is NOT supported


  1. GOLDEN RULE: If you are using a iPhone 3G or iPhone 3G(S) with ultrasn0w and rely on ultrasn0w to obtain cellular service then you should only update your device with an .ipsw that is made with the new PwnageTool. There are no second chances with this. You need to remember that PwnageTool will provide an upgrade path to newer versions of the iPhone software in the future.
  2. Please read all parts of this post before downloading and using these tools.
  3. Read items 1, 2 and 3 again and again.
  4. At the bottom of this post are the bittorrent files for the 3.1.4 capable version of PwnageTool.
  5. PwnageTool will work for the iPhone 3GS
  6. PwnageTool will work for the iPod touch 2G
  7. PwnageTool WILL work for Original iPhone (1st Generation), the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3G(S) and the iPod touch (1st Generation and 2nd Generation) but NOT the iPod touch 3rd generation.
  8. For 3G and 3G(S) users who are Pwned, PwnageTool is your key to updating in the future, just remember to never install an update directly from Apple, always use an .ipsw that has been created with PwnageTool.
  9. There is no Windows version of PwnageTool it is a Mac OS X tool only, we are not developing a Windows version of PwnageTool.
What’s a Baseband?
The ‘baseband’ is the generic nickname given to the internal components of the iPhone that handle the phone calls and Internet access. This ‘baseband’ is a tiny and unique independent computer system that runs inside your iPhone, it is separate to the main system that handles the applications (such as email and google maps) and it talks to the main part of the phone over an internal communications network.
Think of it like a cable modem or other peripheral that is attached to your home PC that needs occasional updates. When a software update is released and presented to you within iTunes the baseband is sometimes updated (to fix bugs or add new features).
The 3.1.2 update for the iPhone 3G and 3GS contains such an update, so running the vanilla updater straight away with iTunes will reprogram and update the baseband.
Read the description to identify your device, once you have correctly identified your device follow the specific instructions for that device as listed below.
SIM Free/SP Unlocked/Factory Unlocked iPhone 3G(S)
This applies if you bought your iPhone 3G(S) for $$$$$$$. This model of iPhone 3G(S) doesn’t have an Service Provider lock (aka factory unlocked) and you are able to put any SIM card into the phone and get service. Your phone is already unlocked so you do not need to worry about baseband updates, you can use PwnageTool to create an ipsw and then use this to update and jailbreak your phone.
SIM Free/SP Unlocked/Factory Unlocked iPhone 3G
This applies if you bought your iPhone 3G for $$$$$$$. This model of iPhone 3G doesn’t have an Service Provider lock (aka factory unlocked) and you are able to put any SIM card into the phone and get service. Your phone is already unlocked so you do not need to worry about baseband updates,  you can use PwnageTool to create a 3.1.ipsw and then use this to with iTunes to upgrade and jailbreak your phone.
iPhone 3G
Use PwnageTool to do the magic and then restore with iTunes using your newly created .ipsw
iPhone 3G(S)
Use PwnageTool to do the magic and then restore with iTunes using your newly created .ipsw
iPhone 2G (1st Generation)
Use PwnageTool to do the magic and then restore with iTunes using your newly created .ipsw ‘nuff said, you don’t need to worry about anything, the baseband will be unlocked, the phone jailbroken.
iPod Touch 1G (Original iPod Touch)
Use PwnageTool to create a firmware image and restore with that .ipsw using iTunes.
iPod Touch 2G
Use PwnageTool to create a firmware image and restore with that .ipsw using iTunes.
iPod Touch 3G
At this time PwnageTool does not support this device.
Official Bittorrent Releases -
  • PwnageTool 3.14 Torrent
  • PwnageTool_3.1.4.dmg.5122330.TPB.torrent
  • SHA1(PwnageTool_3.1.4.dmg.5122330.TPB.torrent)= d9d44258ade35623ec71e83520943b6f4baa568a
Unofficial Mirrors
The following links are unofficial download mirrors, you download these at your own risk, we accept no responsibility if your computer explodes or if it becomes part of a NASA attacking botnet or even worse if your hands fall off mid-way during the use of these files. We do not check these links or archives and we accept no responsibility with regard to the validity of the files, or with other content these links provide or with the content that is on the linked site.  Always check the published SHA1 sums. We would prefer that you downloaded the official bittorrent release that is linked above, but you are welcome to try these if you really must. Mirror owners should email direct links only to , please don’t place mirrors in the comments as they will be deleted.

Monday, October 12, 2009

QuickSMS Crack by phoenix3200 - Should work for all current versions!

[Originally from xSellize]

Note: This WILL NOT appear in the repository due to the style of crack performed. Asking will not change that.

1. Download the applicable keygen:
Mac (Intel 64-bit):

2. In Terminal/At the Command Prompt, navigate to the directory you downloaded the keygen into, and run
quickboard IMEI-without-spaces
chmod 755 quickboard
./quickboard IMEI-without-spaces

You should now have a file called license.dat in the same directory.

3. Install QuickBoard from iSoft's beta repository (, and when it asks to restart Springboard, WAIT.

4. Copy the license.dat file to /var/mobile/Library/QuickBoard on your phone, and set the permissions to 666.

5. Now click "Restart Springboard"

6. DISABLE UPDATE CHECKING. There is a backdoor available when the program checks for updates (daily). Currently, it does nothing, but they could execute any Unix command they wanted to on your iPhone.

If you like the program a lot, go ahead and give iSoft some money. After all, they did put a lot of effort (RipDev's "uncrackable" Kali) in protecting their newest release from "evil hackers" like me.

...and because I know they'll be looking here...

Message from evil hackers to QuickSMS developers!

Dear iSoft team leader!
No thanks. I like iRealQuickSMS better. And you've got a few grammar mistakes in your hidden message.

Best regards,

P.S. Say hi to RipDev for me.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

What the hell do I do with my Google Voice account?

It's so much more confusing to have people who already know my Cell phone number call and text my Google number. I don't know what to do with my Google Voice number. What do I do with it? Does anyone have any thoughts there?

iPhone Dev-Team: Running iPhone 3Gs Jailbreak on Firmware 3.1

After all this time, it seems that finally we have some good news for iPhone 3Gs users. Apparently the iPhone DevTeam has managed to pwn iPhone 3Gs running firmware 3.1. This means that the exploit worked and that the new Pwnage Tool will soon be able to run the 3Gs.Stay tuned….

[Via FSMdotCOM]

iPhoneVM: Tweak To Free iPhone RAM Memory

 New day, new tweak in Cydia: iPhoneVM.This tweak is useful especially to iPhone 3G owners and the purpose is to free RAM memory by creating a swap file that contains all the processes that are not always used by your iPhone.

By holding the less important jobs in this swap and you’ll get better performance in terms of speed. You can find iPhoneVM in Cydia. Just add this repo: After you install iPhoneVM, reboot your iPhone.
NOTE: lots of goodies in the repo

In case you are wondering how well this is working, i used to have max 41 MB of free RAM. Now i got between 70 and 78 MB of free RAM.

 iPhoneVM: Tweak To Free iPhone RAM Memory  

[Via FSMdotCOM]

AT&T: Free Unlimited Calls to your A-List group! (Finally!)

Finally AT&T brings something to the table that T-Mobile (My Favs) and Verizon (Friends & Family).
I am very happy about this! Its something that I have been wanting for awhile because me and my family have had to upgrade our minutes from the 700 plan to the 1400 plan because we use to many minutes. I believe it was because AT&T's free calling starts at 9:00PM rather then 7:00PM like Sprint (our previous provider).

Individual plans 900+ minutes ($59.99 and over) per month, and
FamilyTalk plans 1400+ minutes ($89.99 and over) per month
qualify for A-List

No extra charge with your qualifying plan

Add up to 5 numbers on your individual plan

Add up to 10 numbers on your FamilyTalk plan

Add any domestic number, on any network – including landline numbers

Together with Rollover® (already included in most AT&T plans), you'll
save the minutes you would have used

Update your list online as often as you want, right from your
myWireless Account

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Apple Releases iTunes 9.0.1 - Fixes issues

Apple today released iTunes 9.0.1 via Software Update and the iTunes download site, offering a number of bug fixes.
iTunes 9.0.1 provides a number of important bug fixes, including:

- Resolves issues browsing the iTunes Store.
- Addresses a performance issue where iTunes may become unresponsive.
- Fixes a problem where iTunes may unexpectedly quit.
- Fixes a problem syncing Podcasts in playlists to iPod or iPhone.
- Fixes a problem sorting albums with multiple discs.
- Addresses an issue with the Zoom button not switching to Mini Player.
- Improves application syncing for iPod touch and iPhone.
- Genius is now automatically updated to show Genius Mixes.
Both Mac (OS X 10.4.11 or later) and Windows (XP or Vista) versions of iTunes 9.0.1 are available.

iTunes 9 was released earlier this month at Apple's "It's Only Rock and Roll" media event in San Francisco and brings a new look to the software as well as a number of new features.

[Via Mac Rumors]

Monday, September 21, 2009

Random Ubuntu audio issues? Here's a fix!

I was having a problem with Rhythmbox (The default music player on Ubuntu). It would look like its playing the song but no sound would come out of my speakers and the song wasnt movie even though it said it was playing.
So I thought it might be a problem with ALSA so I restarted it and it worked!

Here is a script I made that will restart the ALSA audio manager and you should have sound working again hopefully whatever the problem may be.

You can download the script here

All it does it restarts ALSA.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Jailbreak for 3.1 firmware! "fun!" - Not for 3GS or iPod Touch 2G.. Sorry ~ Dette: The Young Tech Geek

Jailbreak for 3.1 firmware! "fun!" - Not for 3GS or iPod Touch 2G.. Sorry ~ Dette: The Young Tech Geek

My process that finally fixed iTunes freezing with iPhone Syncing

A couple days ago a made a post about how my installation of iTunes 9 had frozen every time I tried to sync my iPhone..
I finally decided that I would downgrade iTunes to iTunes 8.2.1 thinking iTunes 9 was the problem. Well it turns out that after I downgraded I was still having the freezing problems, it took me a good 30 minutes for me to get my iPhone to plug in without iTunes freezing on me. I could NOT get iTunes to sync my info to my iPhone so I went the day without having my contacts, email, music, calendar or any of the stuff I normally have. I did jailbreak my phone but even that turned out to be a disaster for some reason installing Winterboard and Mobile Substrate decided to break my firmware so I had to restore again and that was hard because of iTunes still freezing.

Finally I read somewhere that deleting your iPhone's/iPod's backups might make it unfreeze. It did! I deleted my iPhone's backups and my friends iPod Touch backups and closed iTunes and re opened it and my iphone synced without a problem!

So if you are having problems with iTunes freezing on you then you can try deleting the backups you have for your iPhone and/or iPod, and yes I know that kind of sucks to delete those (I never restore from backup I always start fresh) but it might help iTunes stop freezing.
If that doesnt work you can try doing that and/or downgrading your installation of iTunes 9 to iTunes 8.2.1.
Here are the download links for iTunes 8.2.1
Windows 64 Bit
Mac - Says G3 but it should work on all Macs

To downgrade you must backup your iTunes Library
On Mac it will be in your Music/iTunes and the file will be called iTunes Library (data file)
On Windows it will also be Music/iTunes and the file we ill be called iTunes Library.itl

and there should also be a folder called Previous iTunes Libraries, this folder contains your older libraries from older installations. You can use the latest one (created when you installed iTunes 9) to replace the iTunes 9 one.

Now you must uninstall iTunes - Drag from the Applications folder on Mac to the trash or use the programs uninstaller in the control panel of Windows

Now you can install iTunes 8.2.1.

Combining those 2 options successfully fixed the freezing issues on my iTunes installation! I hope that helps anyone with this problem!

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Informational Post!

Having trouble downgrading your iPhone 3GS?
iPhone 3GS Downgrade assistant (helps to downgrade or restore to 3.0 on the iPhone 3GS!) - Download Here!

Pissed at Apple over Google Voice?
Get some info!

Want MMS on your iPhone NOW?
Works for 3.0+ firmwares! Here

Who thinks Samsung is trying a little to hard with the Omnia?
Other people seem to think that

No carrier name on your unlocked iPhone?
Read update #2!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Holy monkey nuts! How many times has iTunes 9 frozen on you?...

I am up to about 11+ freezes (about 8 today after restoring to 3.0 again).. Only when I try and sync my iPhone and seeing as thats the most important part (aside from playing music) I'm getting sufficiently pissed off with Apple and iTunes 9! After careful consideration (mostly consisting of saying "What the hell is going on???" repeatedly..) I decided to throw iTunes 9 out the window for now until Apple can fix these freezing problems, and go back to iTunes 8.2.1 which worked perfectly fine in my experience and since I am not running the new 3.1 firmware.. I have no need for iTunes 9, nor do I have a desire at this point to wait 15 minutes to start syncing my iPhone..

So I would lose to hear if anyone else is having these lovely problems with iTunes 9 because I have read a lot about other people having this and other problems along with them. Including freezing when downloading a song, when downloading an app, when opening the iTunes store, and more that aren't related to hanging/freezing.

So hit me up in the commend back! I'd love to hear others thoughts..

Saurik: Cydia and MobileSubstrate Update - Via FSMdotCOM

Yesterday, the iPhone Dev-Team finally released their Mac tools for jailbreaking the new iPhone FW 3.1. You can learn how to jailbreak your iPhone EDGE/3G or iTouch here . There are a few apps that are not yet compatible with the new firmware but Saurik didn’t lost any time and already pushed an update for Cydia and MobileSubstrate.
Cydia update solves various bugs, one of the bugs relates to the badges which were not displayed correctly on applications. MobileSubstrate update , addresses issues with applications like Winterboard which becomes perfectly compatible with the new firmware.
Needless to say that this updates are critical and all you need to do is to load Cydia, wait for the auto-refresh and update.

[Via FSMdotCOM]

Blog "Technical Difficulties" - Sad

Apparently my blog is having some technical difficulties! Why? I have absolutely no idea as of right now.
But my sidebar appears to be at the bottom below the posts.. I will say that is not where it is supposed to be by any means..

I am not sure what caused it but I am looking at it right now (while my good old 3GS restores to 3.0.. Fuck you Apple)

Just an update to everyone. Enjoy

Aha! 3.0 Restore on my 3GS worked! Thanks Saurik!

I just followed Sauriks guide to restore 3.0 firmware on the iPhone 3GS with his "On File" ECID SHSH!
It verified the firmware and I am now restoring!

I was on 3.0.1 firmware but I need to restore just to work out some bugs and so now I can without loosing my JB!
I personally was/am holding off on upgrading to 3.1 until the Jailbreak is released for the iPhone 3GS. I do realize that could be awhile.
But now with the option to downgrade back to 3.0 I might have to give 3.1 a shot just because I am a geek and I love to try new things and "beat the system" you could say.

Anyways just was letting everyone know that Sauriks's method DOES work! Not that I even had a single doubt but I am just sharing my experience so far with my iPhone 3GS and the battle against Apple.

EDIT: Just an update! It worked without a hitch! Now back on 3.0 (not jailbroken.. yet)..

Time to fire up redsn0w! WOOT

How to downgrade iPhone 3GS from 3.1 to 3.0 - Saurik's guide and explanation

Here is the WHOLE of Saurik's post on his site about downgrading the iPhone 3GS from 3.1 to 3.0 firmware. It ONLY works if you have an ECID on Cydia's server.

Here is the whole of the post after the break ;)

Jailbreak for 3.1 firmware! "fun!" - Not for 3GS or iPod Touch 2G.. Sorry

[Via the Dev-Team Blog]

This is the low down on our tools for use with the 3.1 firmware from Apple, please read the whole post in full before attempting anything. Because of changes with Apple’s update techniques (that complicate the 3GS upgrade process) this will be a multipart release. This release starts with PwnageTool 3.1 for Mac OS X - this application supports the iPhone 1st Generation (2G), the iPhone 3G and the iPod touch 1G. NB: THIS DOES NOT SUPPORT THE 3GS OR 2G/3G IPOD TOUCH. redsn0w for Mac OS X and Windows will follow sometime in the near future, please don’t bug us about it - we’ll release when we have something ready.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Google Gears for 64 Bit!

Here is a custom compiled version of Google Gears for 64 Bit users (I use it on Ubuntu 9.04 64 Bit)

Here is a link to the hacked version of Google Gears:

Here is a link to Google Gears for anyone interested in what Google Gears actually is!


Monday, September 14, 2009

Post breaks in Blogger! 10th anniversary

This is a feature I have been waiting for with Blogger! Why they did not impliment it sooner is quite beyond me, but all the same its here now!

Here it is! (More after the break!)

Mac Spotlight like search in Ubuntu!

Many people may have already done this manually but I thought I would help out for the people who do not know how or have not heard of these apps!

Here is a script I created that will guide you in adding a Spotlight like search feature in your Ubuntu Gnome Panel. It will act as close as you can get to Spotlight on a Mac!

The applications that are used are Beagle and Deskbar-Applet.

My script will automate the install as much as possible and instruct you in how to set up the search applet on the Gnome Panel!

Here is the download link.

All you have to do is save it to your desktop and open the terminal and type the following
(they are each separate commands. You can copy and paste if you would like!)

cd ~/Desktop
chmod 777 spotlight-like

Now just follow what it tells you to do and BAM! You have a Spotlight like search on your Ubuntu desktop!


Sunday, September 13, 2009

How to enable MMS on iPhone OS 3.1

If you check out our iPhone forums, then you’ll notice the thread “MMS is out right now” is blazing hot. Thanks to this tutorial, several forum members have reported success enabling MMS on iPhone OS 3.1 using either iTunes 8.2.1 or even iTunes 9. The process does not require you jailbreak your iPhone. It does require downloading a modified bundle file (available at Krllr), but the process seems easy enough and most are having success.


For those willing to wait, the official launch of MMS on AT&T is set for September 25th. If you enable MMS, let us know how you make out in the comments or in our forums.

[Via everythingiCafe]

TweetDeck on Ubuntu 64 Bit

There are problems with Adobe AIR and TweetDeck on the 64 Bit edition of Ubuntu.

This is a pretty quick fix for that problem and it will get Adobe AIR and TweetDeck working perfectly on 64 Bit linux.

OK this will work if you have Adobe AIR and TweetDeck installed already or you are planning on installing them.

The first thing you need to do is install the getlibs_all package (a lot of people may already have this installed and if you do then you can skip this step). You can download it from here - Make sure to get the getlibs_all.deb file.

The rest of the steps are simple but they are done in the Terminal.
Open up the Terminal/Console and run this command:

sudo apt-get install lib32asound2 lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 libc6 libc6-i386 lib32nss-mdns

Now you need to use the getlibs to install some libraries.. I made this easy for you guys by creating a script that will do all the typing for you.. All you have to do is type "y" or "n" for yes or no and press enter when it asks you too :D. It will be easy, trust me. ;)

download this script:

place it on your Desktop for this guide but you can put it anywhere you want if you know how to run it.
Now in the Terminal type (without the quotes) "~/Desktop" and then "chmod 777 adobeair" after that type "./adobeair" or just open the adobeair file on your desktop and click "Run In Terminal"

You will be prompted "[y/n]" on each installed Library and you want to type "y" and press enter.

now that you have completed the script you need to install Adobe AIR (if you havent already) - To install just use the same commands as on the adobeair script that you ran previously.

Now once Adobe AIR is installed you want to run this final command

sudo ldconfig

Now you just need to install TweetDeck at

OK your done! Enjoy TweetDeck on your fast 64 Bit Ubuntu install!

NOTE: If Adobe AIR still doesnt work after that use this command

sudo cp /usr/lib/ /usr/lib32

Saurik can downgrade 3GS 3.1 to 3.0! - 3GS 3.1 ECID might be of use as well!

On Twitter "About 10 hours ago" according to my twitter homepage, Saurik posted 2 tweets...

This means that we will get detailed instructions on how to downgrade our iPhone 3GS phones from 3.1 (either accidental upgrade or purposeful) back to 3.0 ONLY IF you have an ECID SHSH on file via Cydia (luckily I do!)..
Saurik thankfully did not mention anything about needing the iBSS and iBEC files! I am greatful for that because I dont have those because I replaced my 3GS and forgot to grab the files for that device since I had them for the previous one.

Anyways this is very good new! Thank you so much Saurik!

I will still advise you NOT to update to 3.1 if you want a Jailbreak because there is still no way to Jailbreak 3.1 currently. Though this means if you DO upgrade you will hopefully be able to downgrade back to 3.0 later if in need. (I am also hoping this means I can do a 3.0 restore without updating because I need to fix some issues I am having)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Jailbreak Firmware 3.1 on iPhone 3Gs: Understanding The Problems

You already know that when it comes to jailbreking the iPhone 3Gs, you wont have nothing but headaches. ECID file, IBSS and IBEC files… omg the pain!!! To tell you the truth i wasn’t quite sure what all this means , but i had a vague idea. I asked around, and decided to pass the informations to you guys, as simple and clear as possible.

As you know, i dont have a 3Gs yet, and if this BS will continue, and jailbreaking will continue to be such a hustle, i will pass this model and ill wait for the next model: 64 gigs. I really can live without upgrading ( the only feature that excites me, is that 3Gs can (natively) video record ). Anyway, all the information you will find in this article is related ONLY to the iPhone 3Gs. If you own a EDGE/3G you can chill and just read this for your own knowledge.

iPhone 3Gs jailbreak Jailbreak Firmware 3.1 on iPhone 3Gs: Understanding The Problems

First of all you need to understand that Apple knows everything you do with your iPhone and iTunes. Yeah, not such a major privacy invasion as it sounds but still… No matter if you do a upgrade, recovery, downgrade of the firmware, the entire process starts to communicate with the Apple servers via iTunes. In case of the iPhone 3Gs, iTunes sends to Apple a certificate in order for the phone to be verified. If, during this “test” , the certificate fails to respond clearly , the server tells iTunes to return an error. If the certificate responds as it should, the firmware is installed flawlessly

With the release of the new iPhone firmware 3.1, Apple thought it would be cool to check for certificates for this version, and forget about the old ones. That’s cool, ok Apple do as you please, but … by taken this decision they make impossible to do anything that implies the old 3.o firmware. So the only thing you can do is to install the new 3.1 and most probably mess up your chances on jailbreaking your device.

Saurik, like a true gentleman and pedagogue that he is, will provide a full tutorial on how to downgrade from 3.1 to 3.0. Oh, what a joy. Yeah not so fast punk. The tutorial can apply ONLY to those that listened to FSMdotCOM and others (serious) iPhone sites out there and saved their iPhone 3Gs’s ECID on his server via Cydia.

So what does all this mean? It’s simple: if your momma thought you to listen to good advice and saved your ECID file you can go back from iPhone firmware 3.1 to 3.0 ( if you upgraded ), and not loose the privilege to jailbreak. Also if you saved your ECID, and didn’t upgrade you can jailbreak. If you didn’t save your ECID and was in a hurry to upgrade , well… you pretty much screwed at the moment.

So what can you learn from all this:

  • i understand you (might be ) are paranoid. I am extremely paranoid when it comes to technology and privacy. But (sometimes) listen when somebody tells you to do something. We do it for you, not to steal shit from you. If you don’t understand what im saying, let me explain: got a lot of emails asking me if its save to upload the ECID file on Saurik’s server. What its his purpose? Can he steal something from us by doing this? Im not telling you to to trust everybody from now on. Just telling you to sleep with one eye HALF open, thats all.
  • DO NOT panic!!! This BS is not definitive. What is made by human hand, is broken by (other) human hand. The iPhone Dev-Team can always come up with a solution. And im sure they are working very hard. The downside is, that this is all the info that we have right now.
  • DO NOT fuck around with iTunes and firmwares. The smallest mistake can upgrade your 3Gs to 3.1 and… well just dont do it. Patience is a virtue.

[Via FSMdotCOM]

Sorry for the lack of posts!

I have been in Texas at an Unschooling/Homeschooling Conference called R.E.C - Rethinking Education Conference. I go every year and its very difficult to get on and post on my Blog.
But I am back in town and plan on updating much, much more often!


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mysterious HTC Hero revision pics surface, angled chin now M.I.A.

It's not unusual for HTC to repackage the same phone in dramatic ways for different carriers (see Sprint Touch Pro vs. Verizon's vs AT&T Fuze), but the Hero that reportedly has is a pretty marked difference -- most notably a more conservative chin. Here's what we can glean from the admittedly bad machine translation: the outlet claims it's the Hero200 that the FCC just approved for CDMA bands, and while it certainly seems like a Hero variant one way or another, we have no proof that this is actually the same recently-approved version, nor have we seen what Sprint's Hero will actually look like. With all those caveats all the way, feel free to jump into the read link and enjoy a number of pictures up close and personal

[Via Engadget]

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Linux Is Better........ ???

Ok I am not saying GNU/Linux is better then Windows or even Mac OS X, I have used all three operating systems (Windows XP, Vista, 7, Mac 9, Panther, Tiger, Leopard, Ubuntu Linux). Even though "Linux" is just a Kernel I am referring to it as an OS for simplicities sake.

Here is a fun site I ran across giving reasons to give Linux a try! (Since it is FREE and most come with live CD's so you dont have to change anything on your comp!) He makes some good points.

check out the website Why Linux Is Better

I run Ubuntu and Windows 7 in a dual boot. I have also run Mac OS X and Windows in a dual boot as well. I personally find different things that I like about each OS and if I could have all of them on my Laptop I definitely would (OSx86 - Hackintosh - Doesnt have drivers for my Wireless, Sound, and iffy on the Graphics part too).
So instead of a Tri Boot I have Linux and Windows and Mac running in a VMWare Workstation Virtual Machine.

Anyways give that site a look! You might find something you like ;)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

AT&T To Enable MMS By The End Of The Month

[Via FSMdotCOM]

I couple of weeks ago i got an email from my AT&T ninja , and he told me that they will enable MMS with the new iPhone OS 3.1 . What he told me , was similar to what we’ve heard at WWDC 09: “later this summer”.

Today, a modmyi user just reported that he updated to iPhone OS 3.1 and he saw that the MMS button was present in the . He called AT&T to see whats going on , and they said they can enable MMS on his phone.


That’s all the info we know so far. If something new will pop up, FSMdotCOM will let you know about it. Stay tuned…

Monday, August 24, 2009

Installed Ubuntu 9.04 - Took 5 attempts

I was set on installing Ubuntu onto a 30GB partition I made just for the occasion. It took me 5 tries to get Ubuntu installed, but now that its installed.. Its great! I am really liking it!
I believe it was user error for why it would not install but even so it was very frustrating. Once I was able to get it to install correctly the install went very smoothly and it was very, very easy.

Ubuntu's UI reminds me heavily of Google Android's UI (Google's Open Source Smartphone OS for those who dont know). Since Android is running on the linux kernel aswell as Ubuntu that would be make some sense.

Anyways I am finding myself pleasantly surprised while typing this using a brand new OS (new to me).

Very cool! I am now anxious to try other Linux distros because I know many people like other ones better then Ubuntu

Sunday, August 23, 2009

iRealSMS and iRealQuickSMS Cracked!

studguy1 over at xSellize has successfully cracked iRealSMS and iRealQuickSMS.

Here is a quick How To on cracking both apps!


Install Instructions:
- Install iRealSMS from Cydia. Reboot when asked.
- Download the Windows Keygen and run it to create Activation Code.(case sensitive)
- Start iRealSMS and click 'Purchase or Activate', then click Activate
- Enter any email address and the activation code (case sensitive) when prompted.
- You should get a Valid Serial prompt.

----------------------Online Check Patch (Optional)-----------------------------

Everytime the app starts it connects to irealsms website to verify the serial.
Right now the keygen serials are valid, but that could change! So, to be on the safe side disable the check
by editing the /etc/hosts file as described below

1. SSH into the iPhone using your favorite SSH client and navigate to the /etc directory
2. Find the file hosts in the /etc directory and open it to edit
3. Add the following line below the last line in the hosts file and save the file


Install Instructions:
- Install iRealQuickSMS from Cydia. Respring when asked.
- Download the Windows Keygen and run it create Activation Code (case sensitive)
- Start iRealQuickSMS and click Purchase, then click Activate
- Enter any email address and the activation code (case sensitive) when prompted.
- You should get a Valid Serial prompt.

----------------------Online Check Patch (Optional)--------------------------------
Everytime the app starts it connects to irealsms website to verify the serial.
Right now the keygen serials are valid, but that could change!
So, to be on the safe side disable the check by applying the patch below.
- Download the patched iRealQuickSMS file from here
- Replace the iRealQuickSMS file in /Applications/ folder
- Make sure 'iRealQuickSMS' has execute permissions (0755) after copying to iphone.

Enjoy a fulling cracked iRealSMS experience!

Thanks to studguy1

Android? Should I?

So I am kind of getting tired of Apples crappy notification system, the lack of multi-tasking(true multi-tasking), and just the overall restrictions.. But I love my iPhone 3GS and I dont think I am going to be getting rid of it.

Should I buy an Android phone so I can swap SIMs? If I did I would have to buy the G1, myTouch 3G, or HTC Hero. None of which work on AT&T's 3G network.
It is rumored AT&T is going to be launching an Android powered phone which is called the HTC Lancaster but recent rumors state that the phones launch was canceled.

What should I do on this topic? Wait and see if AT&T gets an Android phone, get one already on the market and unlock it, or third option: Get a Windows Mobile phone?

Any ideas?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Phonedog: iPhone 3GS vs HTC Hero.

I was watching this for 4 reasons:
1 - I like phones
2 - I have an iPhone 3GS, I like looking at the competition.
3 - I like Android
4 - I subscribe to Phonedog on YouTube

Anyways! I thought I would post this because Noah from Phonedog does some great reviews and I know many people are interested in the HTC Hero and I know many people are interested in the iPhone 3GS since its the new toy so far this year.

Anyways I thought this would be interesting.

Check it out

Also make sure to check out (I just thought since I am posting a video from them I should link back .. I was not asked to)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:


PrivaCy: Block iPhone Apps From Spying On You

[Via FSMdotCOM]

New day, new app in Cydia: PrivaCy. Saurik just released this app in Cydia, and it was created to address concerns about App Store applications which track usage information and even location information for developers to analyze. As always, Saurik, is a good pedagogue and friend of the community and offers an explanation for the app:

It has recently come to the attention of angry Cydia users that they are being watched by many of the applications they have installed from the App Store.Sites like I-phone-home have been discussing this in detail, leading to a post on the Dev-Team Blog about one provider in particular: Pinch Media.

Pinch Media, however, is not the only tracking provider: on the iPhone alone there are three other companies: Flurry, Medialets, and Mobclix.Developers integrate these systems for much the same reason people use Google Analytics: to better understand how their customers use their products.

Unfortunately, due to the restrictions Apple places on their App Store, these providers are unable to directly interface with the users they affect.Instead, they rely on developers of every single application to document what information is being logged, and allow users to “opt-out” if they desire.

Thanks to applicatons like redsn0w and Cydia, however, these restrictions are no longer important: a system-wide global “opt-out” setting is now possible.Pinch Media realized this fact, and took the lead in contacting me regarding getting this feature out there to all the users of jailbroken devices: they care.

With BigBoss, we then contacted all of the other providers, getting not only their blessing, but also their technical expertise in disabling their systems.The result is PrivaCy: a new Settings panel that allows you to selectively opt-out of sending anonymous usage statistics to each of these providers.This extension was a team effort, and was able to be executed as quickly as it was thanks to the help and interest of the companies involved.

 PrivaCy: Block iPhone Apps From Spying On You PrivaCy: Block iPhone Apps From Spying On You

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What can my iPhone 3GS handle?

I asked myself this question.. So I found an answer for myself.

The answer is "A LOT!"

OK let me first say that I am a complete advocate of Jailbreaking, I think it brings out the potential of this device! Bot the iPhone and the iPod Touch.
So what I did just now was user Backgrounder and see how many things I could get running in the background along with all the tweaks, themes, daemons, and MobileSubstrate addons I have running on my iPhone as well.

Here is my list of MobileSubstrate addons in SBSettings (I have a few more but I have them turned OFF):

OK.. Yes thats a huge list.. But a few of those go into using one application just different addons for different functions.. Either way thats a lot of MobileSubstrate addons in my opinion.
I know you may not know what all those do.. I do just because I know what Apps they go to when I installed the App.

Now with that in mind here is what I ran in the background.
The Sims 3
App Store
GV Mobile

By this point I opened up SBSettings to see how much RAM I had left and my SpringBoard crashed

So that tells me that the iPhone 3GS can handle quite a lot of things running! I see a lot of potential in the Jailbreak + iPhone 3GS world at the moment. A lot of cool tweaks and apps have come out since the iPhone 3GS and the 3.0 Firmware release.

This was just for fun because at the moment I have a sprained ankle and cant do much for awhile (already had it for 3 weeks). Torn ligaments don't heal quick let me tell you!

Anyways hit me up with some comments!

End of my GV Invite giveaway! 2 WINNERS instead of 1!

My Google Voice Invite Twitter Giveaway ended today! I have chosen 2 winners (at random!) instead of 1!

@jayjay7411 and @xboxfi3nd congratulations!

I will be doing more Giveaways soon! Stay tuned!

New Giveaway will be posted on my Twitter (@dette4556) and on this blog!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How to Jailbreak the iPhone! (2G, 3G, and 3GS)

I know ways to Jailbreak have been posted all over the internet but I thought I would post what I condense the information into one post!

Downloading Firmware Bundle

You will need to download the firmware bundle according to your firmware version.
You can get all firmware version here, here, or here.

To check your firmware version to go Settings>General>Version = (Your firmware version)

How to Jailbreak 3.x Firmware.

The following programs will jailbreak all 3.x firmware versions to date (3.0, 3.0.1)! Just follow the onscreen instructions:
Mac - Redsn0w 0.8
Windows - Redsn0w 0.8
Linux - Redsn0w 0.8

NOTE: to Jailbreak 3.0.1 with Redsn0w you will have to choose the 3.0 firmware bundle (make sure to download that instead of 3.0.1!) because Redsn0w does not current recognize the 3.0.1 firmware bundle. Everything works the same you just need to select the 3.0 firmware!

For iPhone 3GS ONLY! 3.0 ONLY! Will not work on 3.0.1
Windows - Purplera1n
Mac - Purplera1n

How to Jailbreak 2.x Firmware.

The following programs will jailbreak all 2.x firmware versions! Just follow the onscreen instructions:
Mac - PwnageTool, QuickPwn
Windows - QuickPwn

Follow the instructions in the application to jailbreak! It is very simple and easy! This is all the files you will need!

Tired of Windows Vista: Going to Windows 7 RC

Until Windows 7 officially is released on October 22nd 2009 I am going to upgrade Windows Vista 64Bit on my Laptop to Windows 7 RC 64Bit. I thought why not? Its an upgrade, I wont loose my files, I have used Windows 7 Beta on my Desktop and its fantastic, its only 2 months until Windows 7 comes out. Why not?

I am about to upgrade right now! After I post this and uninstall a couple things that arent Windows 7 compatible I will upgrade!
I am excited because I have only used the Windows 7 Beta and I havent even used my Desktop in quite some time. I hope RC is better (I have heard it definitely is of course).

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

VoiceCentral - Still usable after Apple removed it from AppStore

I was thinking that I wanted to try another app other then GV Mobile (in Cydia now after Apple removed it from the AppStore) so I went looking for VoiceCentral's IPA file which I was surprised to find on
I have logged in and it works just fine!

So VoiceCentral is still a working alternative to GV Mobile if you are inclined to use it.

Here is the download page for anyone who would like to still use VoiceCentral - You will have to have AppSync 3.0 (For 3.0+) or MobileInstallation Patch (For 2.0+) for it to install - Most of you know that but I thought I would remind you.

Get VoiceCentral NOW!

Monday, August 17, 2009

GPush Hits AppStore!

A few days ago I made a post about GPush which is meant to be Gmail Push for the iPhone.
You can find that post here.

GPush has now hit the AppStore! This is not quite true Push from Gmail itself but rather you download this App (GPush) and you input your Gmail account information and then it will use the Gmail IMAP Idle function and when the server finds new emails on your Gmail account it will send you a Push notification on your iPhone. So you will get the same effect that you would with true Push for Gmail except through a different App.
The developer said it could take up to 30 seconds for the Notification to get Pushed. Thats good enough for me!

As I said in my previous post I already get my Gmail Pushed to my iPhone with the normal I have absolutely no clue how but it Pushes all the same!

Anyway you can get this App for $0.99 in the AppStore now!

Click here to get GPush and get your Gmail Pushed to your iPhone!

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